NBA Finals 2012 LeBron James One Win Away from First Championship

Jun 20, 2012 12:07 PM EDT

For the first time in his career, LeBron James is one win away from cupping the Larry O'Brien trophy.

With last night's victory, the Miami Heat have taken a dominant 3-1 lead in the series after defeating the Oklahoma City Thunder 104-98.

James scored 26 points Wednesday night and has averaged just over 30 points in the NBA playoffs. 

He was one rebound away from completeing a triple-double. James grabbed 9 rebounds and had 12 assists.

By the half, James already had 8 assists. He struggled from the floor in the first quarter but was able to find players who could score. 

In the second quarter, James played like Rajon Rondo. He took shots when they were available going 3-3 from the floor and had five assists.

When a player like LeBron can feed his teammates, it creates problems from the defense. Oklahoma City was  unsure if he was passing or shooting. He had the Thunder on their heels.

A scary moment for the Heat, their fans and team president, Pat Riley, came in the fourth quarter, when LeBron went down with an apparent cramp.

He sat out and saw the Thunder take a 94-92 lead. James was reinstated into the game and after a layup by Chris Bosh, who finished with 13 points, James give the Heat a lead they would never surrender.

Being guarded by Thabo Sefolosha and with limited mobility, James popped back and hit a three-pointer. No doubt this play may go down as the biggest shot of his career and can possibly become a highlight used by Gatorade.

James played through the cramp and was able to lead his team to victory. How Jordanesque of him? 

This was victory XV. He needs one more to finally get the monkey off his back and capture an NBA championship.

Game 5 is Thursday at 9PM EDT on ABC. 

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