Aug 15, 2013 12:53 PM EDT
Dallas Cowboys Rumors: Tony Romo Takes More Control At Line of Scrimmage, Jason Garrett Knows Losing Season Could Lose His Job With Jerry Jones

The Dallas Cowboys are heading into what could be a very monumental season for the immediate future of the franchise, as head coach Jason Garrett could be gone if the team has another rough season of missing the playoffs.

Tony Romo signed a huge extension in the offseason and that only adds to the pressure as the Cowboys have missed the playoffs over the past couple years, Magnifying things for the Cowboys is the fact that they lost in consecutive seasons in Week 17 to lose the NFC East and a playoff spot and if it comes down to the wire again, it could mean the end for Garrett. Romo has put up some amazing numbers over the years, including last season when he threw for nearly 5,000 yards, but many have criticized him for his contract due to his 1-3 record in playoff games and this is the season he will need to change that.

Romo also said that he plans on changing things up at the line of scrimmage more and that could help open things up on the offense. The team has new offensive coordinator Bill Callahan and he has been working with Romo in the offseason to get things more consistent on offense. Romo said that he feels comfortable working at the line and this season it could translate to even better numbers than he put up last season with WR Dez Bryant having a career year.

Last season the team ranked third in the league in passing yards per game with nearly 300 per contest, but the running game lagged behind with injuries and ranked just 31st in the league in rushing with under 80 yards per game. If the team can get a more consistent rushing attack, the Cowboys will be much better off on offense and Romo could put up even better numbers than last year.

"I'll probably do a little more from time to time at the line," Romo told the Dallas Morning News. "That's not every time, that doesn't mean every game but it means that capability is there for us."

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