Jun 07, 2013 09:35 AM EDT
Cleveland Browns Rumors: Brandon Weeden Expects to Start Over Jason Campbell, Rob Chudzinski Says Quarterback Improved as OTAs End

Even though Brandon Weeden has yet to be named the official starting quarterback of the Cleveland Browns, he is certainly saying all the right things that make him the leader of the team. The second-year quarterback led the Browns to another season of finishing below .500, but stresses that this year will be different.

In the past five seasons, Cleveland has not finished better than 4-12 or 5-11. They have continuously rotated in new quarterbacks in hopes of finally finding one that will be the new face of the franchise. Weeden has the chance to be that guy if the coaches commit to him.  As he competes with veteran Jason Campbell and Brian Hoyer on the depth charter, Weeden does not envision getting replaced as starter.

"I don't want that to change. Oh, that would be tough...Overall I think my progress was pretty good. Each practice got better for myself, not only for me for the offense. I'm pleased with it. Am I satisfied? Absolutely not," Weeden said.

Weeden certainly did not have a bad season last year, he just failed to produce wins. In his rookie season, Weeden threw for 3,385 yards and 14 touchdowns. He had a completion percentage of 57.4. He demonstrated a lot of potential throwing the ball, especially downfield accuracy. With new offensive coordinator Norv Turner leading the way, Weeden is expected to thrive in his second year.

Despite still competing with Campbell, Weeden is promising big things for Cleveland this year. As the team wraps up OTAs and prepares for mandatory minicamps and training camp, the quarterback believes that 2013 will be much improved.

"I think we have a chance to be really good. I'm speaking about the whole team. Guys are flying around on that side of the ball just like we are. I think we have the potential to be really, really good."

Weeden will not be satisfied until he is the one leading the Browns to that "really, really good" season. Head coach Rob Chudzinski is not committed to name a Week 1 starter yet, but did say that Weeden is clearly with the first-team and Campbell is clearly with the second-team. However, he stressed that could easily change as the team goes into training camp.

If Weeden is named the starter and fails to produce wins, he will be replaced immediately. If Campbell also proves he cannot get the job done, the Browns will be looking towards next year's NFL Draft for the next potential face of the franchise.

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